Smarter Book Club

Selected by Authors. Enjoyed by All.

Ever wondered, "What books do authors love?" If so, or if you're curious to find out, welcome aboard the Slightly Smarter Book Club!

Each month, we partner with a notable author to select a book that has profoundly impacted their life. We go beyond our daily spotlights, offering you an immersive dive into concepts and stories that will transform your thinking and enrich your life.

What to Expect:

  1. Monthly Selections: Every month, a new book chosen by a top author awaits you. These books are handpicked for their quality, relevance, and ability to inspire.

  2. Author Notes: Each selection comes with exclusive thought starters and discussion guides from the author who selected the book, offering unique insights and perspectives to get you thinking.

  3. Community Engagement: Engage with a community of passionate readers through online discussions throughout the month and a capstone live Zoom featuring authors, influential community members, and surprise guests to reflect on the book at month’s end.

  4. At Work or With Friends: Inspired by the book and discussion guides? Host your own book club sessions with colleagues or friends and dive deeper into the conversation.

Get Started Today:

Joining the Smarter Book Club is simple. If you subscribe to our daily newsletter all the information will be delivered straight to your inbox.