The New Gold Standard

5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company by Joseph Michelli

Excellence is not an accident. It is the results of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution.

— Joseph Michelli, The New Gold Standard

The Lost Art of Great Service

In an increasingly digital world, dripping with AI “personalization,” truly great customer service—and personal connection—feels like a rare and endangered species. Today’s selection isn’t just about business; it’s about elevating every interaction, whether with customers, colleagues, or loved ones.

Let’s be honest—nothing beats feeling seen, valued, and cared for.

Andrew, Co-Founder of Slightly Smarter & Smarter Growth

The Ritz-Carlton proves that leadership and service go hand in hand.

In The New Gold Standard, Joseph Michelli takes readers behind the scenes of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company to uncover the secrets of their legendary customer service.

These principles aren’t just for businesses—they’re a guide to building trust, fostering connections, and creating memorable experiences in every area of life.

Transforming Service and Self: The Ritz-Carlton Way

1️⃣ Define and Refine Your Standards: Set clear personal values and revisit them often. Just as the Ritz-Carlton evolves to exceed expectations, refining your standards helps you grow and excel.

2️⃣ Empower Yourself and Others: Trust your instincts and give yourself permission to take action. Empowering those around you to shine is a hallmark of great leadership and relationships.

3️⃣ Build a Culture of Trust: Whether in teams, friendships, or families, trust is the foundation of strong connections. Invest in open communication, respect, and understanding.

4️⃣ Deliver Personalized Experiences: Take the time to learn what makes others feel valued—small, thoughtful gestures can have an outsized impact, both professionally and personally.

5️⃣ Stay True to Your Values: Align your actions with your core beliefs. Ritz-Carlton’s motto, “Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen,” reminds us that respect and dignity should guide every interaction.

Joseph Michelli is an internationally sought-after speaker, author, and organizational consultant

The Suitcase Surprise

When a young guest at the Ritz-Carlton accidentally left behind his favorite stuffed animal, the hotel didn’t just return it—they sent photos of the toy enjoying its "extended vacation" at the resort, complete with poolside lounging and spa treatments.

Joshie the Giraffe

This example isn’t just about customer service—it’s a reminder that thoughtful, personal touches can turn ordinary moments into unforgettable memories.

The New Gold Standard

  • Published: July 4, 2008

  • Print length: 304 pages

  • Listening length: 8:12

  • Ratings: 4.7 Amazon, 3.9 Goodreads

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