📣 Finding Your Voice and Embracing Your Power

Unlocking the Secrets to Speaking with Confidence and Authenticity. Insights from Speak by Tunde Oyeneyin.

Let’s get this week started! Today we're diving into the empowering world of self-expression with a book that could help you unleash your inner strength.

Get ready to level up with insights from Tunde Oyeneyin in Speak: Find Your Voice, Trust Your Gut, and Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

📕 In Speak, Tunde Oyeneyin, renowned Peloton instructor and motivational speaker, shares her journey and the lessons she's learned about the importance of speaking your truth and owning your narrative. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, Tunde shows how embracing your voice can transform your life and the lives of those around you.

Speak isn't just another motivational book. It's a dynamic exploration of how finding and using your voice can create profound change. Oyeneyin combines inspirational stories with actionable steps to help you become more confident and authentic in your communication.


Your Voice is Your Power

Speaking up isn't just about being heard—it's about being understood and making an impact. Here are the essentials:

➡️ Authenticity: Your true power lies in being genuine and real.

➡️ Courage: Speaking up takes bravery, especially when it's difficult.

➡️ Connection: Using your voice to connect with others creates powerful bonds.


Oyeneyin's philosophy revolves around the SPEAK acronym, which stands for:

1. Surrender

Let go of the fear holding you back. Accept that vulnerability is part of the journey to authentic communication.

2. Power

Embrace your inner strength. Recognize that your voice has the power to influence and inspire others.

3. Empathy

Understand and share the feelings of others. Empathy helps build deeper connections and fosters mutual understanding.

4. Authenticity

Be your true self in every interaction. Authenticity is magnetic and helps you resonate more genuinely with others.

5. Knowledge

Equip yourself with the information and skills needed to succeed. Knowledge boosts your confidence and credibility.


Tunde shares a powerful story about overcoming grief and loss. After the sudden death of her brother, Tunde found herself struggling to find meaning and purpose. By surrendering to her pain, embracing her inner power, and authentically sharing her journey, she connected with countless others who had faced similar struggles. Her vulnerability and strength not only helped her heal but also inspired her community to embrace their own stories and find their voices.

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Studies show that people who speak authentically are:

  • 50% more likely to be seen as leaders

  • 40% more effective in motivating others

  • 30% more trusted by their peers

Authentic communication isn't just beneficial—it's essential!


The true strength of your voice lies in its ability to inspire others to find their own.

Tunde Oyeneyin


Put Tunde's ideas into practice with this quick challenge:

Before your next presentation or important conversation:

1. Identify. What is your core message? Why does it matter to you?

2. Prepare: Outline your key points and anticipate questions.

3. Reflect: Afterward, consider how your authenticity impacted the interaction.

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