πŸ“ˆ Building Your Personal Brand with Aliza Licht

Mastering the Art of Authentic Self-Promotion. Insights from On Brand by Aliza Licht.

Welcome, Wednesday! Today we're delving into On Brand: Shape Your Narrative. Share Your Vision. Shift Their Perception. by Aliza Licht, a guide that offers practical insights on how to build and maintain a compelling personal brand. It was also awarded Best Book of 2023 by the American Book Fest in Marketing & Advertising.

πŸ“• In On Brand, Licht shares her expertise on crafting a personal brand that is both authentic and influential. Drawing from her own experiences and those of other successful individuals, Licht provides actionable advice on shaping your narrative, sharing your vision, and shifting perceptions.

On Brand is a dynamic exploration of how to present yourself in a way that resonates with your audience. Licht's engaging style and practical tips make it easy to apply her lessons to your own life.


Your Brand is Your Story

Building a strong personal brand is about more than just imageβ€”it's about authenticity and connection. Here are the essentials:

➑️ Authenticity: Be true to yourself in all your interactions. Authentic leadership builds trust and loyalty.

➑️ Clarity: Clearly articulate your vision and what you stand for. A clear brand message enhances your influence.

➑️ Consistency: Maintain a consistent message across all platforms. Consistency strengthens your professional reputation.


Licht's guide offers these valuable insights for building your brand:

1. Define Your Narrative

Understand who you are and what you want to communicate.

2. Be Relatable

Share personal stories that resonate with your audience.

3. Network with Intent

Build meaningful relationships that align with your brand values and goals.

4. Engage Authentically

Develop genuine relationships through meaningful interactions.

5. Adapt and Evolve

Stay current and be willing to refine your brand as needed.


Imagine the excitement of transforming from a behind-the-scenes PR professional to the renowned public persona DKNY PR Girl. Aliza Licht did just that by harnessing the power of social media to share her authentic voice. Through witty tweets and engaging interactions, she built a massive following and a powerful personal brand that resonated with thousands. This journey not only skyrocketed her career but also demonstrated the significant impact of authenticity and relatability in brand-building.

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Personal branding is crucial in today's job market.

A survey by CareerBuilder found that 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates, and 57% are less likely to interview someone they can't find online. This underscores the importance of maintaining a strong, positive online presence. Additionally, 54% of employers have decided not to hire a candidate based on their social media profiles.



Your reputation is what people say about you when you're not in the room. Make sure it reflects your true values.

Aliza Licht, On Brand


Put Aliza's ideas into practice with this quick challenge:

1. Identify: What is the core message of your personal brand?

2. Clarify: Write a brief statement that clearly articulates your vision.

3. Engage: Share a personal story on social media that reflects your brand values β€” and use the hashtag #SlightlySmarter!

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