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šŸ‘ļø The Power of Curiosity in Divisive Conversations

The art of having meaningful conversations across divides. Insights from 'I Never Thought of It That Way' by MĆ³nica GuzmĆ”n.

Tackling Tuesday. Todayā€™s book might just change how you talk to... well, everyone. If you feel like the world is getting more divided by the day, todayā€™s selection may offer a fresh perspective on bridging those gaps.

šŸ“• In I Never Thought of It That Way: How to Have Fearlessly Curious Conversations in Dangerously Divided Times, journalist MĆ³nica GuzmĆ”n serves up a powerful antidote to polarization: curiosity.

Whether you're navigating tricky family dinners, office politics, or just trying to understand your neighbor's yard signs, GuzmƔn's insights could be your ticket to more enlightening conversations.

I Never Thought of It That Way isn't another "how to win arguments" book. It's a lively exploration of how genuine curiosity can transform conflicts into connections. GuzmĆ”n breaks down the art of having meaningful conversations across divides, showing how to turn potential arguments into opportunities for mutual understanding.


Curiosity is Your Superpower. Bridging divides isn't about winning debatesā€”it's about asking better questions.

āž”ļø Open-mindedness: Approach conversations ready to learn, not just to speak.

āž”ļø Empathy: Seek to understand others' perspectives, not just their positions.

āž”ļø Self-awareness: Recognize your own biases and how they shape your views.


GuzmƔn's recipe for fearlessly curious conversations includes:

1. Master the Question Funnel

Start broad, then narrow down to uncover deeper insights.

2. Loop for Understanding

Repeat what you've heard to ensure you're truly getting it.

3. Embrace Discomfort

Growth happens outside your comfort zoneā€”lean into it.

4. Seek Surprise

Look for information that challenges your assumptions.

5. Build Bridges, Not Walls

Focus on finding common ground, not winning arguments.


GuzmƔn shares her experience working in a newsroom, where colleagues often have differing views on stories and their coverage. By approaching conversations with curiosity rather than judgment, she found common ground and fostered a more collaborative environment, ultimately leading to better storytelling and understanding within the team.

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Studies show that people who approach disagreements with curiosity are:

  • 50% more likely to find common ground

  • 40% more likely to change their minds when presented with new information

  • 30% more likely to be seen as trustworthy by others

Curiosity isn't just niceā€”it's a social superpower.



Curiosity is the antidote to certainty.

MĆ³nica GuzmĆ”n


Put GuzmƔn's ideas into practice with this quick challenge:

1. Stop: When the opportunity arises in an upcoming meeting, pause before reacting to a colleagueā€™s idea that you initially disagree with.

2. Question: Ask a non-judmental question (or two or three) you have to better understand their perspective.

3. Reflect: After the meeting, consider how this curiosity-first approach changed your understanding of their idea and your overall reaction.

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