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🩁 End Your Week with Courage: Insights from 'Daring Greatly'

Practical steps to embrace vulnerability, set boundaries, and build deeper connections from Brené Brown

It’s Friday! Ready for some quick inspo to end the week?

💡 Today's key insights are from Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by BrenĂ© Brown. Her talk on The Power of Vulnerability is one of the top five most-viewed TED talks in the world, with over 50 million views.

📕 In Daring Greatly, Brown explores the transformative power of vulnerability, showing how embracing our imperfections can lead to greater courage, connection, and creativity. With her relatable and trustworthy approach, Brown encourages us to let go of our fear of judgment and live more authentically and wholeheartedly.


Cultivate Courage by Taking Small Risks

To build your courage muscle, start by taking small, calculated risks.

Brené Brown recommends stepping out of your comfort zone in manageable ways, like speaking up in a meeting with an idea you've been mulling over or volunteering for a project that challenges your skills. These small acts of bravery can boost your confidence and help you get comfortable with vulnerability.

By consistently practicing these small risks, you'll find yourself becoming bolder and more resilient in both your professional and personal life. Give it a shot and see how these little leaps can lead to big growth!


1. Embrace Imperfections

Boost your confidence by embracing your flaws. Share your struggles with trusted friends or colleagues. This openness fosters self-acceptance and deeper connections, making you more resilient and confident.

2. Set Boundaries

Protect your well-being by setting clear boundaries. Learn to say no and avoid overcommitting. Establishing healthy limits prevents burnout and maintains your emotional health.

3. Lead with Vulnerability

Enhance your leadership by embracing vulnerability. Admit when you don't have all the answers and show your human side. This authenticity fosters trust and encourages your team to be open and innovative.


Let’s start embracing our imperfections to build confidence.

Reflect on a Recent Mistake: Think about a recent mistake or setback. Write it down, noting what happened and how you felt.

Share Your Experience: Share this experience with a trusted friend or colleague. Briefly explain what happened and how you felt.

Identify the Lesson Learned: Identify a lesson you learned from the mistake. Write down how this lesson can help you in the future.

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Discover how embracing vulnerability, setting boundaries, and fostering deeper connections can transform your life in the book.



Perfectionism is NOT the same thing as striving to be your best.

Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgment, and shame.

Brené Brown

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