🦄 Lead Like a Unicorn

A Data-Driven Path to Remarkable Results. Insights from 'Be The Unicorn' by William Vanderbloemen

Thursday has arrived. Today we're galloping into the realm of elite leadership with a book that might help separate you from the herd.

Get ready to level up with insights from executive search firm leader William Vanderbloemen in Be The Unicorn: 12 Data-Driven Habits that Separate the Best Leaders From the Rest.

📕 In the book, Vanderbloemen breaks down the traits that make legendary leaders truly unique. Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder, running your own business, or leading a team of any size, this book could be your trail map to lasting impact and success.

Be The Unicorn isn't just another feel-good leadership fable. It's a scientific exploration of the measurable habits that drive outsized results. Vanderbloemen combines data-driven insights with powerful stories to reveal what makes the world's best leaders so rare—and how you can emulate their success.


Elite leadership is a habit, not a title. It stems from consistent practice, not positions of power.

➡️ Self-awareness: Understand your strengths, triggers, and blindspots.

➡️ Emotional intelligence: Regulate your emotions and read others effectively.

➡️ Strategic thinking: Make wise decisions informed by vision and foresight.


Vanderbloemen outlines 12 essential habits each built around a persona. Here are the first five:

1. The Fast

Speed Wins. In a world of on-demand everything, being fast and responsive sets the pace for success.

2. The Authentic

No Secrets, No Surprises. Unicorns deliver on promises and embrace transparency.

3. The Agile

Embracing Change. Unicorns adapt, flex, and approach challenges with an open mind.

4. The Solver

Solution-Driven Champions. Unicorns refuse to be a victim of their challenges, and instead channel their energy into overcoming obstacles.

5. The Anticipator

Thinking Ahead. Unicorns anticipate the needs of their colleagues, bosses, and companies, staying steps ahead of the game.

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Studies show organizations with unicorn leaders:

  • Outperform peers by 300%

  • Report 80% higher engagement

  • Experience 40% lower turnover

Legendary leadership doesn't just help you scale—it shapes entire cultures and outlasts any single person.


"The best leaders aren't superheroes; they are disciples of practical habits that anyone can cultivate."

William Vanderbloemen


Bring unicorn habits into your daily leadership:

Identify: Choose one unicorn habit you struggle with most.

Strategize: What's one specific action you can take this week to improve?

Schedule: Block off time in your calendar to practice that new behavior.

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